Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year ... New Me! ... New You?

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Do you make goals for the New Year?

I gave up making resolutions several years ago. I would have great ideas and tell myself to stick to them, but by the end of January, I had given up on them.  So, why do it? I asked.

The last few years, I have had some real "downs" in my life and not enough "ups" to keep up. As, I sit here on New Year's Eve, I think what can I do different in this New Year? I am ultimately responsible for my life and I CAN make it amazing and fulfilling. Can't I?

So, I decided to set three GOALS (not resolutions) for me for next year. I chose three because I believe in 12 months, that is an obtainable goal.  I wrote down the three goals on different pieces of paper and will share them throughout the year. I am keeping them in a jar, sitting them on the shelf above my kitchen sink so I am reminded of them everyday!

All three are going to be very challenging for me to achieve, but I am going to go out of my comfort zone and push myself.  I will work on all three goals throughout the year but will concentrate on one at a time.

First up, GOAL #1 ... Come back to my blog on January 5th, as I share with TMC followers, my exciting goal with the one thing that I have struggled with.  I am determined, excited and nervous all at the same time to share this with you.  I will blog the many 'Highs' and many 'Lows' of my journey in hopes that it will inspire and encourage other Moms who might be going through the same struggle as I am. 
I am doubter, I second guess myself all the time, but pushing toward these goals will help me break away from my self-doubt. This is my year to make things happen! Will it be yours?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ten Ways THIS MOM CAN Avoid Holiday Anxiety

For this week's blog, I am posting something that many MOMS can relate to during the Holiday Season ... Anxiety!  Please comment at the bottom and share your own unique story of how you cope with the Holidays! Enjoy and I will see everyone next Friday!